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Deteksi LPCB Fire lan produk alarm, sistem & kabel PURWAKA STANDAR



Sistem deteksi kebakaran lan alarm sing digunakake bakal nambah level keamanan ing sawijining bangunan kanthi otomatis menehi peringatan marang para api sadurunge bisa ndeteksi.


Kanggo mesthekake sistem bisa digunakake, sistem kudu dirancang kanthi bener, produk kudu dipilih kanthi bener lan sistem kudu dipasang lan dijaga kanthi bener. Disaranake kabeh sistem dirancang, dipasang, ditugasake lan dikelola dening kontraktor sing disetujoni dening LPCB menyang LPS 1014 lan dheweke wis nyambung menyang Pusat Penerima Alarm sing disetujoni menyang LPS 1020.


Dhaptar ing bagean iki kalebu:




Ngontrol lan nuduhake peralatan kalebu alarm swara lan pasokan listrik

â € ¢ Wireless, flame, balok, aspirasi, asap, panas lan detektor multi-sensor

â € ¢ Titik telpon manual

â € ¢ Unit baris kalebu piranti input lan output

â € ¢ Piranti peringatan weker kalebu weker visual, spiker lan swara

â € ¢ Kabel

â € ¢ Piranti transmisi weker

â € ¢ Sistem sinyal

     Produk disetujoni sesuai karo macem-macem standar. Rincian standar kasebut diwenehake ing ngarep saben bagean sing ana gandhengane karo produk. Sawetara produk ing ndhuwur bisa uga nganggo kabel utawa nirkabel (Link radio). Produk nirkabel uga kudu disetujoni nganti EN 54-25.


Deteksi kebakaran lan sistem alarm disetujoni kanggo kompatibilitas sistem miturut:

LPS 1054: Syarat lan prosedur uji coba kanggo nyetujoni lan dhaptar kompatibilitas komponen kanggo sistem deteksi geni lan alarm.

â € ¢ EN 54 - Bagean 13: Pambiji kompatibilitas kanggo komponen sistem.



Kontraktor desain, instalasi, komisioning lan perawatan


Kontraktor disetujoni sesuai karo:


LPS 1014: Syarat kanggo deteksi geni lan firma sistem alarm sing wis disertifikasi.

LPS 1020: Pusat Nampa Alarm


Kabel dirating geni

Bagean iki dipérang dadi rong kategori, yaiku kabel tahan geni ing bagean 8.1 lan kabel tahan api 8,2.
Kaloro jinis kabel kasebut dibutuhake supaya beda-beda nalika ana kobongan.
Kabel tahan geni dirancang supaya ana geni bisa njaga integritas sirkuit
Kabel tahan api dirancang supaya yen ana geni bisa matesi generasi lan nyebarake geni lan kumelun.

Kabel tahan geni

Bagean iki nyathet kabel tahan geni kanggo digunakake ing safety geni, deteksi geni lan sistem alarm geni lan aplikasi liyane sing spesifikasi mbutuhake kabel kanthi kinerja tartamtu yen ana geni.
BS 5839-1: 2013Deteksi kebakaran lan sistem alarm kebakaran kanggo bangunan. Kode praktik kanggo desain sistem, instalasi, komisioning lan pangopènan
BS 5839-1: 2013includes requirements for fire resistant cables for fire detectionlanalarm systems.It calls for â € ˜Standardâ € ™lanâ € ˜Dhingkatâ € ™ fire resistant cableslandefines the requirements for these in Clause 26.2. These cables have to comply with EN 60702-1 (with a polymeric sheath), BS 7629-1 or BS 7846.
â € ˜Standardâ € ™kabel resisting geni uga kudu:
a) entuk paling ora Kelas PH30 nalika dites selaras karo EN 50200: 2006.
b) njaga integritas sirkuit nalika kena urutan geni / kejut mekanik / semprotan banyu sing padha karo nggayuh durasi 30 menit nalika dites sesuai karo EN 50200: 2006 Annex E.
â € ˜Dhingkatâ € ™kabel resisting geni uga kudu:
a) entuk kaslametan 120 menit nalika dites sesuai karo EN 50200: 2006,
b) njaga integritas sirkuit nalika kena urutan geni / kejut mekanik / semprotan banyu sing padha karo nggayuh durasi 120 menit nalika dites sesuai karo BS 8434-2: 2003 + A2: 2009.
    Only cables complying with these requirements are listed as â € ˜Standardâ € ™ or â € ˜Dhingkatâ € ™ under BS 5839-1, Clause 26.2.

BS 8519: 2010Selectionlaninstallation of fire-resistant powerlancontrol cable systems for life safetylanfire-fighting applications - Code of practice    

BS 8519: 2010gives guidancelanrecommendations on the selectionlaninstallation of powerlancontrol cable systems which are required to maintain their circuit integrity for life safetylanfire-fighting applications. It also gives specific recommendations for electrical system design for such applications,lanrecommended limits for survival times.
Kategori 1: sarana uwal (30 mnt wektu kaslametan geni).
  •   power cables of 20 mm overall diameterlanabove meeting the 30 min survival time when tested in accordance with BS 8491, or
  •    control cables meeting the PH30 classification when tested in accordance with EN 50200:2006,lanthe 30 min survival time when tested in accordance with Annex E of that standard
    Kategori 2: sarana uwal (60 mnt wektu kaslametan geni).
  •   power cables of 20 mm overall diameterlanabove meeting the 60 min survival time when tested in accordance with BS 8491 or
  •    control cables meeting the PH60 classification when tested in accordance with EN 50200:2006,lanthe 120 min survival time when tested in accordance with BS 8434-2:2003+A2:2009
    Kategori 3: gelut geni (120 mnt wektu kaslametan geni).
  •   power cables of 20 mm overall diameterlanabove meeting the 120 min survival time when tested in accordance with BS 8491, or
  •    control cables meeting the PH120 classification when tested in accordance with EN 50200:2006,lanthe 120 min survival time when tested in accordance with BS 8519 Annex B.
    Peraturan Bangunan 2010 - Keamanan Fire - Dokumen sing Disetujoni B

The Building Regulations 2010 - Fire Safety - Approved Document B - Volume 2 - Buildings other than dwelling houses defines a protected power circuit to be able to continue to function during a fire. A protected circuit for operation of equipment in the event of fire should consist of a cable meeting at least the requirements of PH30 when tested in accordance with EN 50200. Larger or complex buildings may require fire protection systems to operate for extended periods during firelanguidance on such systems is given in BS 5839-1, BS 5266-1lanBS 8491 (BS 7346-6).
Standar Liyane sing Digunakake

The other standardslantest methods currently used for certification are listed below. This list includes some "withdrawn" standards. Where possible, these will be replaced by the superseding standards when certificates are renewed. However, where withdrawn standards are called up by current standards, certification to the withdrawn standard may need to be maintained until the calling standard is amended to remove the reference:
- BS 6387: 1994Persyaratan kinerja kabel sing dibutuhake kanggo njaga integritas sirkuit ing kahanan geni

- BS 7629-1: 1997Thermosetting kabel terisolasi kanthi integritas sirkuit winates nalika kena geni. Bagean 1: Kabel multicore
- BS 7629-1: 1997(Incorporating Amendment Nos.1lan2) Thermosetting kabel terisolasi kanthi integritas sirkuit winates nalika kena geni. Bagean 1: Kabel multicore(Ketentuan sing diwenehake karo amandemen No.1: 2004 wiwit tanggal 1 April 2004)
BS 7629-1: 2008Electric cables - Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant screened cables having low emission of smokelancorrosive gases when affected by fire - Part 1: Multicorelanmultipair cables 

- BS 7846:2000 Electric cables 600/1000V armoured fire-resistant cables having thermosetting insulationlanlow emission of smokelancorrosive gases when affected by fire 

- BS 7846:2009 Electric cables - Thermosetting insulated, armoured, fire - resistant cables of rated voltage 600/1 000 V, having low emission of smokelancorrosive gases when affected by fire - Specification 

- BS 8434-2:2003+A2:2009 Method of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric cables - Part 2: test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits- EN 50200 with a 930°C flamelanwith water spray 

- BS 8491:2008 Method for assessment of fire integrity of large diameter power cables for use as components for smokelanheat control systemslanother certain active fire safety systems
- BS 8519: 2010Selectionlaninstallation of fire-resistant powerlancontrol cable systems for life safetylanfire-fighting applications - Code of practice 

- EN 50200: 2006Cara tes resistensi geni kabel cilik sing ora dilindhungi kanggo digunakake ing sirkuit darurat

- EN 50267-2-1: 1999Cara tes umum kanggo kabel ing kahanan geni- tes ing gas ngalami evolusi sajrone pembakaran bahan saka kabel - prosedur - Penentuan jumlah gas asam halogen

- EN 50267-2-3:1999 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions   - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables   - Procedure 2-3: Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for cables by determination of the weighted average of pHlanconductivity 

- EN 60332-3:2009 Tests on electriclanoptical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically mounted bunched wires or cables 

- EN 60702-1:2002 Mineral insulated cableslantheir terminations with rated voltage not exceeding 750V - Part 1: Cables  

- EN 61034-2:2005 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions - Part 2: Test procedurelanrequirements (IEC 61034-2)
- EN 61034-2: 2005 Pangukuran kapadhetan kumelun saka kabel sing kobong ing kahanan sing wis ditemtokake

- IEC 60331-1: 2009 -Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity - Part 1: Test method for fire with shock at a temperature of at least 830°C for cables of rated voltage up tolanincluding 0,6/1,0kVlanwith an overall diameter exceeding 20mm. 

- IEC 60331-2:2009 - Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity - Part 2: Test method for fire with shock at a temperature of at least 830°C for cables of rated voltage up tolanincluding 0,6/1,0kVlanwith an overall diameter not exceeding 20mm. 

- IEC 60331-21:1999 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity - Part 21 Procedurelanrequirements - Cables of rated voltage up tolanincluding 0,6/1,0kV 

-IEC 60332-3: 2009Tes kabel listrik ing kahanan geni - Bagean 3: Tes kabel utawa kabel sing dipasang

- IEC 60754-1:2011 Tes ing gas berkembang sajrone pembakaran bahan saka kabel - Bagean 1: Penentuan jumlah gas asam halogen

- IEC 60754-2:2011 Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement)lanconductivity 

- IEC 61034-2:2005 Pangukuran kapadhetan kumelun saka kabel sing kobong ing kahanan sing wis ditemtokake


  1)    The rated voltages Uo/U recognised for BS 6387:1994 are, 300/500Vlan450/750V,lanfor BS 7629-1 are 300/500V, where Uo is the power-frequency voltage to earthlanU is the power-frequency voltage between conductors.
2) Tes kabel inti tunggal menyang BS 6387: 1994 ora diakoni standar. Iki amarga kabel mbutuhake paling ora rong unsur logam. Mula disetujoni LPCB kabel inti siji adhedhasar kabel sing dites ing saluran stainless steel.
  3)    All BS 6387 approvals must include EN 50267-2-1 (acid gas)lanEN 61034-2 (smoke density) testing
4) Kabel MICC sing disetujoni menyang BS 5839-1: 2002 + A2: 2008 Klausa 26.2 kudu ditutup nganggo tutup polimer umum.
  5)    EN 50200: 2006Annex ElanBS 8434-2:2003+A2:2009 provide methods of test that meet the requirements for a special flame / mechanical shock / water spray sequences described in BS 5839-1:2013, Clause 26.2 d)lane), respectively.
6) BS 8491 ora nutupi kabel kanthi rating voltase sing ngluwihi 600 / 1000V utawa diameteripun kabel eksternal kurang saka 20mm.
  7)    BS 8519 standard covers both PowerlanControl cables; different test methods apply to each cable type. Control cables up to & including 4.0mm
2bisa disetujoni menyang BS 8519.

Kabel tahan api

This section lists fire retardant cables for use in fire safety, fire detectionlanfire alarm systemslanother applications where specifications require cables with specific performance in the event of a fire.
Flame retardant cables are designed with the objective of limiting the generationlanspread of firelansmoke.
Dhaptar ing ngisor iki minangka standar standar sing ditrapake kanggo kabel tahan api

â € ¢ EN 50267-2-1: Cara tes umum kanggo kabel ing kahanan geni- tes ing gas berkembang sajrone pembakaran bahan saka kabel - prosedur - Penentuan jumlah gas asam halogen

• EN 50267-2-3:Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Procedure 2-3: Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for cables by determination of the weighted average of pHlanconductivity

• EN 60332-3: Tests on electriclanoptical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically mounted bunched wires or cables

• EN 61034-2: Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions - Part 2: Test procedurelanrequirements (IEC 61034-2)

â € ¢ EN 61034-2: Pangukuran kerapatan asap kabel sing kobong miturut kahanan sing wis ditemtokake

â € ¢ IEC 60754-1: Tes ing gas berkembang sajrone pembakaran bahan saka kabel - Bagean 1: Penentuan jumlah gas asam halogen

• IEC 60754-2: Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement)lanconductivity

â € ¢ IEC 61034-2 Pangukuran kapadhetan kumelun saka kabel sing kobong ing kahanan sing wis ditemtokake

â € ¢ IEC 60332-2-22 Tes ing kabel listrik ing kahanan geni Bagean 3: tes panyebaran nyala vertikal kabel utawa kabel sing dipasang kanthi vertikal Bagean 22: kategori A

â € ¢ IEC 60332-2-23 Tes ing kabel listrik ing kahanan geni Bagean 3: tes panyebaran nyala vertikal kabel utawa kabel sing dipasang kanthi vertikal Bagean 23: kategori B

â € ¢ IEC 60332-2-24 Tes ing kabel listrik ing kahanan geni Bagean 3: tes panyebaran nyala vertikal kabel utawa kabel sing dipasang kanthi vertikal Bagean 24: kategori C

â € ¢ IEC 60332-2-25 Tes ing kabel listrik ing kahanan geni Bagean 3: tes panyebaran nyala vertikal kabel utawa kabel sing dipasang kanthi vertikal Bagean 25: kategori D

• EN 60332-1-2, Reaction to fire, Tests on electriclanoptical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 1 - 2: Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable - Procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed flame 


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